Thursday, October 31, 2013

New Missive from Chip LaMarca Regarding Broward County Transit

Regarding a follow up email I sent to him, Commissioner LaMarca sent me this:  

Thank you for contacting me on this important transit issue.  I am working with my district director, (name deleted) to get some answers to your questions and find solutions to your concerns.
Best regards,
Chip LaMarca
Broward County Commissioner
115 South Andrews Avenue
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301
T: 954.357.7004 | F: 954.357.7798

So I responded:  

With all due respect, perhaps you should compel Mr. Garling to respond to my letters.  I've received nothing from him.  On a separate matter, Supervisor of Operations, "Frank's" voicemail promised me a phone response to my iPhone concern, but I haven't heard from him either.  None of that would be acceptable in a privately owned operation.  Why is it accepted from a taxpayer-funded organization? 

I'll post any new information.

I remain,

Condemned to Broward County Transit

Still Waiting for Responses from Broward County Transit and Chip LaMarca

So the days just keep passing without any responses from Broward County Transit, and even though I heard from Chip LaMarca initially, I haven't heard back since  he claimed ignorance of the letters I sent to his office through the US Mail.

Both Garling's and "Frank's" galling lack of response to my messages continue to make Garling's quote to the Broward County Commission even more laughable.

                    “...but the strength of Broward County Transit has been and
                      always will be its employees. We are all here to get you
                      there.” T. Garling

I remain,

Condemned to Broward County Transit

PS     I'm wondering how Broward County Transit intends to deal with the increased traffic that will take place on A1A during the Fort Lauderdale Boat Show.  I don't see any alerts or extended "service" on their site.  They never plan ahead; why would this be different?

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Broward County Transit's Supervisor of Operations (Frank)

Yesterday I called yet again regarding the iPhone service on the Maps and Schedules page.  I asked the "service" rep to transfer me to the IT department, and she told me she couldn't do that.  Why?  She couldn't help with the problem.

 I told her I've been fighting this problem for several weeks on many different levels and through various venues.  I told her that although "Freddie" from IT can access the bus schedules at the Broward County Transit offices, those of us waiting for buses can't and that he was unwilling to address the problem.   She then put me on hold and transferred me to a guy named Frank, Supervisor of Operations at Broward County Transit.  I got his voice mail and was promised a call back.  (I didn't catch his last name because it went so quickly.)  I left my number several times, so I'm expecting a call back within 24 hours as most service industries demand of their employees.  I'll keep you posted.

For now I remain,

Condemned to Broward County Transit

Monday, October 28, 2013

Still Waiting for a Response from Broward County Transit's Tim Garling

It is Day 20 in the wait for a response from Timothy Garling at Broward County Transit.  I sent the following email earlier today to Commissioner Chip LaMarca:

 October 28, 2013


I found the following quote in the online version of the Sun-Sentinel:

         Chip LaMarca is a lifelong resident of Broward’s Fourth District
         who has earned a reputation for being a citizen’s advocate and a
          respected voice for the taxpayers that he is honored to represent.

Because I have heard back from neither you nor Mr. Garling regarding my two letters asking for answers to legitimate questions, this quote is just not ringing true.

At what point will I receive some advocacy?  Is it acceptable that twenty days have elapsed since I sent my first letter with no response?  I haven’t even received a “we’re looking into your issues...” response.   Nothing.

If you are the “advocate” you are being portrayed as being, please let me know what actions you are taking to ensure that  Mr. Garling responds to my questions.  He is at least accountable to the Broward County Commission, right?
He sent me the following response soon after:

I appreciate your email, but this is the first email that I have received and this is the first of the issue that I am aware of.  Please resend your email or letter to our office of call us at 954.357.7004.  I am more than willing to assist, but I will need you to fill me in on the issue.

Best regards,
Chip LaMarca
Broward County Commissioner
115 South Andrews Avenue
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301

My response:


I sent both letters through the US Mail to your downtown office as listed on your website.  I am attaching both to this email.  In addition, both letters are on my blog which I linked to my email earlier today.
Also, you are not authorized to disclose my email address to Timothy Garling or anyone else at Broward County Transit.

I guess it remains to be seen whether or not I receive some advocacy.  

Until there's more, I remain…

Condemned to Broward County Transit

Thursday, October 24, 2013

iPhone FAIL and Broward County Transit

First of all, it is October 24, and I am still waiting for Timothy Garling's response to my letter sent to him on October 8th.  So this is Day 16 of the Garling Watch.  (This is a great example of the saying about  feces flowing down.)

No one I know with an iPhone can scroll down to the bottom of the bus schedule page.  I asked people with different versions, 4, 5c, 3, 4s, 5s to attempt to access the bottom of the schedule.  Everyone can access down to the 11, but everything after that is inaccessible.  How does this help riders??  I need to know schedules for buses such as the 36, 72, and 83.  Now what?  This is ridiculous!!

While I'm thrilled that "Freddie", sitting in the Broward County Transit offices, can access the schedule, I will be calling and filing a complaint from every stop I need information about but can't access online from the stop.   To call Broward County Transit a "service" is a bad joke.

If you are having this problem, please post a comment below.  I'll include the stats in my next letter to the oh-so-responsive Timothy Garling....or maybe my next letter will be copied to the Sun-Sentinel.  The riders of Broward County Transit need some attention!!!

Sadly, I remain,

Condemned to Broward County Transit

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Broward County Transit and iPhone Users and Another Missive to Tim Garling

  So after several weeks trying to figure out why I can't scroll down to the specific bus routes and schedules I need, I called Broward County Transit and spoke with "Tina"  and asked to speak with someone at IT.  Of course, I never once believed I would be transferred to IT, but a gal can try, right?  On both occasions, "Tina" the customer "service" operator asked what the problem was, put me on hold, came back on and said the problem is just with my phone.  The second time I called was after I had been to the Apple Store where employees could not scroll down on their phones either.  I guess that the only place this works, as if anything actually does work at Broward County Transit, is at their HQ.  How convenient for them but without a care for the riders.  Nothing new there.  So, here's the letter I'm sending to Tim Garling, from whom I still haven't heard regarding my first letter sent to him on October 8.  Again, what else is new?  If you've been having trouble with getting schedules, call Broward County Transit and complain, or write to Tim Garling.   Here's the new missive: 

Mr. Timothy Garling
Transit Director
Broward County Transit
1 N. University Drive
Plantation, FL 33324

October 22, 2013

Mr. Garling:  

I sent my last correspondence to you on October 8th and haven’t yet heard from you.   If you “lost” it, please feel free to reference it at  I posted it two days after I sent it, so you’d have a chance to read it before it was posted.  

I have something else I’d like answered.  For several weeks, I have been unable to scroll down on your site in order to see when buses could possibly be expected.  On my iPhone, however, I can’t scroll down to the buses I need.  So this morning I called in and spoke with “Tina” and asked to speak with someone in IT.  Well, we all know that wasn’t going to happen, but she said that “Freddie” (sp) last name available,  says it works.  Really?  I was at the Apple Store today where multiple people tried it on all varieties of iPhones and NO ONE could scroll down to get information on routes like 36 or 72.  How do you account for that???  

Still waiting to hear from you,

cc.  Chip LaMarca - Broward County Commission

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Broward County Transit - Letter to Tim Garling BCT Transit Director

Below is the letter I sent to Tim Garling at Broward County Transit.  In looking at it, I realize I asked for the name of the supervisor of Customer "service" two different times.  It was a mistake, but maybe it's because customer "service" typically infuriates me.  Also, I kind of wish I'd mentioned that I have been called back maybe two or three times about issues, but that is an infinitesimal number compared to how many complaints I've filed for a call back.  I'll let you know when or IF I receive a reply.  I'm thinking about distributing this letter on some of the bus routes.  Let me know what you think by leaving a comment.
So for now,I remain,
Condemned to Broward County Transit

Mr. Timothy Garling
Transit Director
Broward County Transit
1 N. University Drive
Plantation, FL 33324

October 8, 2013

Mr. Garling:

I am a frequent rider of Broward County Transit.  I am educated yet disabled.  Because of my issue, I am condemned to use Broward County Transit, and am extremely unhappy with the “service” from top to bottom.  The last time I contacted you, I was pawned off to (name removed), and when I tried to  reach him on the number he gave me, I was told he does not work for Broward County Transit.  This time I want to hear from you in writing.   

  1. If we have two traffic seasons here in Broward County, how do you suppose buses that can’t meet the schedules routinely during slow season can possibly meet their schedules during “the” season???  What will you do about this? See my blog post at dated September 17, 2012.
  2. The 2010 COA Study highlighted specific problems.  Two of the most outstanding to me were the fact that over 70% of the ridership is looking to get to work and school.  The other was that 43% of bus trips are not on time.  What is being done about this right now???  People get fired for being late.  Are you aware of this??  Please see my blog post dated  November 23, 2012. 
  3. Why is it so difficult to get  names of employees of BCT?  You are a publicly owned facility, but when I ask for names so I can address my complaints appropriately, I’m dealt with rudely which makes this quote of yours laughable:    “...but the strength of Broward County Transit has been and always will be its employees. We are all here to get you there.”  What a joke!!  Your employees  are often arrogant, hostile, and they lie routinely.  These people represent your “service” See my blog dated  October 3, 2012.
  4. Who is in charge of scheduling? What is the name of the person(s) in charge of customer “service”?  Why can’t I get transferred to these people’s extensions?  BCT is not part of national security; why all the secrecy?  Just so you know, I once asked for you by name, and the customer “service” person said no one by that name works at BCT.  How do you account for that?
  5. Why don’t I get called back as promised by customer “service” when I file a complaint? Are my complaints typed in or  written down ... then promptly placed in the trash...?  If you say no, how would you know?  Why don’t you have an electronic means of filing complaints where there might have to be some compliance?
  6. Recently the yellow line rule went into effect.  Why weren’t the schedules adjusted to allow for all of the riders, even some who ride everyday, paying for their four dollar bus pass with nickels and dimes???  This tells me that no one at BCT actually rides the buses.  This decision was clearly made to protect the county from their own drivers who don’t have the appropriate judgement skills, but the riders were never considered.  
  7. Why is driver training taking place during traditional commutation hours (6-9am)?  To follow up with that, last week the “trainer” was oblivious to the schedule and had no idea they were fifteen minutes late.  See my blog post dated September 19, 2013.
  8. I attended the meeting at the community center by A1A and saw where you are intending to use more of those absolutely ridiculously small bus shelters. Why???  Those things are a joke.    Take a bus on a rainy day; wait in one of those useless things, and try to arrive to your job looking professional.  I can’t.  You told the county commission, “New customer comforts and conveniences are on the horizon. A $23 million construction program calls for an additional 680 new bus shelters by 2014, bringing the total to 1,177 countywide.”   Get our taxpayer money back and cancel all future orders.  These things are awful.What are you going to do about this?  Where is the comfort?  Where is the convenience?  
  9. Where’s the accountability?  To whom do the drivers report?  To whom do the customer “service” representatives report?  How can they be contacted?
  10. At the end of your “Green” YouTube video you said we should join you on the bus.  Do you rely on the buses to get you where you are expected to be?  If not, why not?  I suggest that everyone at BCT  and the county commissioners be required to depend solely on the buses for one consecutive week each year especially when making decisions about our ‘comfort’ and ‘convenience’.

I look forward to receiving  your answers to these questions.

       Chip LaMarca - Broward County Commissioner